by Guest Blogger | May 22, 2018 | Merrimack Valley, Mover Stories
The catalyst for our move came in April of 2012 in the form of my four-month-old nephew. My husband, Matthew, and I were driving home to Indianapolis from my parents house in Fort Wayne after enjoying Easter weekend together. My step-brother and his family were there,...
by Guest Blogger | May 4, 2018 | Merrimack Valley, Mover Stories
After working hard to save up for a house, my fiancé and I left Massachusetts and moved with our two children to beautiful Weare, New Hampshire. Our dreams of hobby farming brought us here, where the land and homes are more affordable and we could still commute to our...
by Guest Blogger | Apr 20, 2018 | Merrimack Valley, Mover Stories
My wife hails from Oklahoma (not terrible on the liberty scale), but I’m from New York, the Empire State, and the empire kept striking back. We both found ourselves in Boston for school, and while a palpable improvement for me, it wasn’t the lamp of liberty I was...
by Jennifer Narby | Apr 11, 2018 | Merrimack Valley, Mover Stories
Back in 2011, the Freedom in the 50 States Index yielded some interesting information: New York State ranked #50 as the most oppressive, or least free, state in the union. My husband Dave and I wanted out of New York City! New Hampshire wasn’t #1 yet, but it was...
by Guest Blogger | Apr 6, 2018 | Merrimack Valley, Mover Stories
My husband and I, lifelong Rhode Islanders, met in February 2012 while campaigning for Ron Paul in the presidential election. We learned about the Free State Project from that endeavor and signed the pledge to move in October 2015 at the National Republican Liberty...
by Guest Blogger | Feb 15, 2018 | Merrimack Valley, Mover Stories
Arizona might not be the most common origin state for an FSP participant. Though not quite as free as New Hampshire, Arizona is toward the free end of the scale, particularly in comparison with neighboring California. In fact, the Grand Canyon State is full of...