Liberty Lives in New Hampshire!
Join the Free State Project!
- I hereby state my solemn intent to move to New Hampshire with the Free State Project.
- Once there, I will exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the maximum role of government is the protection of individuals’ rights to life, liberty, and property.
You’ll receive a welcome e-mail and
occasional updates after you join.
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Are you tired of government always getting bigger?
Do you feel like the only person around who just wants to be free?
You are not alone!
What is the Free State Project?
The Free State Project is a movement of thousands of freedom-loving people to New Hampshire.
We welcome people who already live in New Hampshire, as well as those who haven’t moved yet. More than 4,900 participants are already in New Hampshire, and more than 19,000 have pledged to move!
By concentrating our numbers, we are turning the tide against big government.
Plus – Free Staters have built an incredible community full of people who value liberty and responsibility.
The Free State Project is a proven strategy to increase your personal and economic freedom today!
Highest Median Income & Lowest Poverty Rate in the US
Highly Ranked Healthcare, Education, and Opportunity

Most Bitcoin Transactions per Capita

Respect for the 2nd Amendment
Success Stories From
Free State Project Activists Include:
- Passed Constitutional Carry (ability to conceal or open carry a firearm without a permit)
- Expanded Castle Doctrine – no duty to retreat, anywhere, anytime! You can lawfully defend your home, property, family, and anybody, any place you have a legal right to be.
- Repealed all knife laws
- Elected 45+ Free Staters as legislators
- Reduced the state budget by 11%
- Passed laws to help prevent drug overdose deaths
- Blocked countless bad bills from passing into law (income tax, bump stock ban, Marcy’s Law, etc.)
- Added transparency in policing for profit (i.e. civil asset forfeiture)
- Started dozens of new businesses, media outlets, volunteer projects, and charities
- Built activist clubs in major cities
- Secured business tax cuts
- Strengthened existing homeschooling freedoms
- Deregulated crypto currency
- Won landmark court cases (ability to film cops; school choice)
- Held annual festivals and regular meet-ups around the state
- Accomplished marijuana reform: medical and decriminalization
- Nullified federal laws (e.g rejected Obamacare exchange; rejected national ID card; rejected infamous Kelo decision)