The best way to see what the Free State Project is all about is to visit New Hampshire. While you’re here, you can explore the different areas of the state and experience Free Stater hospitality. Find out how to make the most of your visit, get connected to people in our community, and discover interesting things to do during your stay.
Many people choose to visit during an event so that they can easily meet and interact with Free Staters from around New Hampshire. Consider visiting for our annual summer event, the Porcupine Freedom Festival – better known as PorcFest. The event offers you a unique opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the White Mountains while attending discussions, parties, and more with Free Staters. Before you get here, why not schedule some job interviews while you’re in the state?
My first visit was only for three days this past June, and I was overwhelmed that everything was so lush and green – so beautiful! When I flew back to San Diego, everything looked so brown and dry, even the leaves on the trees. And…I moved just 45 days later. I’m still loving my decision, even after my first snowy winter.
How will you make the most of your visit?
In 2014, a friend and I visited for PorcFest. After a few intense days spent camped out in the valley, I looked out at the White Mountains and wept – overwhelmed with feelings of hope.
I came here wanting to find reasons to stay put. But my negativity was totally disarmed with the warm welcome we got. We met awesome Free Staters at a meetup they specifically created for us, ate amazing seafood, and met the Budweiser horses in Nashua!
In 2016, I attended the New Hampshire Liberty Forum for my very first visit to NH. This was an absolutely amazing experience, and I was instantly assured that this was better than I could have ever anticipated.