Catharine and RobertMy husband and I, lifelong Rhode Islanders, met in February 2012 while campaigning for Ron Paul in the presidential election. We learned about the Free State Project from that endeavor and signed the pledge to move in October 2015 at the National Republican Liberty Caucus’s Convention in Nashua, New Hampshire.

Rhode Island has been dominated by regulation-heavy, oppressive policies and a fiscally irresponsible and burdensome political culture for over 70 years now, and it is nearly impossible for a middle-class family to stay that way, never mind prosper at all. Despite the fact that both of our extended families still reside in Rhode Island, we knew we had to leave. We had to “get out” – for the betterment of our family and for a better future for our children.

Rhode Island vs. New Hampshire

It took us THREE more years to make it here, but on March 10th, 2018, we finally made it! We started by finding jobs here first. Bob (my husband) got his in July of 2017, and I immediately started looking too. I found the one I wanted in February 2018, and we pulled the trigger.

We signed a lease agreement up here by the end of February, and Friday March 9th was the kids’ last day in Rhode Island schools. The moving company packed up all our stuff Saturday morning, March 10th, and were done and leaving Weare, NH, by 2:30 that same afternoon! The kids were enrolled in Weare’s Schools and started their first day here on the following Monday, March 12th.

family fireIt was hard work, but it wasn’t difficult at all, if that makes sense. Between July and February, I kept wondering how it was going to work out, and worrying about all the “what ifs”, but when push came to shove and I realized THIS was our chance to JUST GET HERE, everything just HAPPENED. We MADE IT HAPPEN. Step-by-step, and with the help and support of friends and family, here we are!

They say good things are worth the wait, and this was totally worth the wait. We are now looking for land for our forever home, and our families are both so proud of us for doing what it took to follow our dreams and make our goals happen. The boys love their new schools, I love my job, my husband is thrilled to finally not be commuting from Rhode Island anymore, and we are just so grateful to finally be here.