Liberty activism is a huge catalyst encouraging migration to New Hampshire with the FSP. For many the term conjures up images of campaigning for office, organized rallies, and freedom festivals. While those things have great value, and may be exactly what some movers are looking for, activism can take a more low key approach too.

Bearcat Protest in New Hampshire

Liberty Activists gather in Concord, NH to make their voices heard

A huge statement can be made through entrepreneurship. Nothing says liberty quite like being your own boss! This is a route many FSP participants are comfortable taking. Another popular venture for freedom is getting active in the community. Volunteering happens to be one of my personal favorites. It brings a great sense of accomplishment to demonstrate voluntary willingness to do things for which tax payer dollars may be suggested to fund, like beautifying one’s town or organizing a library program.

Liberty Activists and entrepreneurs vend their goods at Liberty Forum

Perhaps one of the most effective forms of activism is simply talking to people. Putting a personal touch on the concept of greater liberty by sharing in simple conversation with colleagues and neighbors what that means to you. Presenting alternative views when discussing issues of local concern goes a long way towards promoting an overall attitude of liberty. I greatly enjoy such discussions and have been pleasantly surprised how much agreement I’ve found in circles as varied as moms at story time to the technician who changed my tires.

Local Liberty Activists celebrate the 331st crypto meet up in Manchester, the world’s longest running get together of its kind

Let’s not forget to be liberty activists at home too! There is such great value in teaching children about basic concepts related to freedom, economic principles, etc. Many families find homeschooling to be a great way to accomplish this. Others prefer to supplement public or private school education with liberty friendly values at home. Raising future generations of voters to be informed and responsible is in itself an important form of activism.
Tiffany's family moved to New Hampshire from Michigan

Liberty Activists (and author of this post) Tiffany, her husband, and their daughter

For those with a passion for representing the value of liberty loud and proud, I commend and support you! Thank you for working towards positive change in public policy! For those like myself who just aren’t cut out for the lime light or for whom this simply is not the right season of life, I want to invite you to join me as a quiet yet valuable promoter of liberty through everyday activities. Together we can make a real impact in our communities.