Honey! I’m Going to PorcFest!

Honey! I’m Going to PorcFest!

After my previous year helping organize PorcFest 2019, I had ideas about “re[love]utionizing” PorcFest for 2020: we would put our emphasis on our growing liberty community rather than relying primarily on our out-of-state Big Speakers. Of course, we love these big...
Free State Family: Experiencing PorcFest

Free State Family: Experiencing PorcFest

The family-friendly Porcupine Freedom Festival, held annually at Roger’s Campground in the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire, is featured on the Free State Project’s website, discussed on various social media platforms, and seen in the 101 Reasons:...
PorcFest XV Wrap-Up

PorcFest XV Wrap-Up

It seems like a lot of these event wrap up pieces start the same way… “exclamation points! Incredible event!! Volunteers, vendors, speakers, new friends, old faces!!!!!” and I hate to follow the crowd. This was one of the most emotionally intense weeks of my life....
Thanking Jenn Hewson

Thanking Jenn Hewson

Jenn Hewson is a wife, mother, friend, and neighbor living in the Upper Valley. As an early mover, she and her husband came to New Hampshire from New York and soon started a family. They quickly grew into a family of six, with four boys to keep Jenn busy and out of...