Moving is one of the top stressors in life, right along with the death of a loved one, public speaking, major illness, divorce, and job loss. But if you are moving to New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project, you are bound to have an easier time of it. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of planning ahead though.
All That Stuff!
As I mentioned last month, Dave, MJ, and I were welcomed by 12 lovely souls to help move us in…we had a lot of stuff! In fact, we have been told that we had more stuff than most movers. Tell me about it. In hindsight, we could have stream-lined a lot better had we known what an undertaking it would end up being. Don’t be afraid to sell/donate/throw away your stuff; there’s always time to accumulate more! Paying for storage is one of the biggest wastes of money – if you’re not using something, you must not really need it.
Moving with Pets?

Be sure to think about your pets too. Our poor cat MJ was so terrified to ride in the car, that I had to hold her with one arm and drive for 6 hours with my other arm! She had been in a carrier, but she got so stressed out, that she broke through and cut her face! Poor baby.
The following day, when the moving in commenced, it wasn’t the easiest thing to keep track of her. When everyone had gone, I realized that MJ was not around. She had escaped to the upstairs apartment and hid under their shelving unit in the hall. It took a while, but she finally calmed down and started to make it home; we did too!
Surprises Along the Way
Like any new adventure, there are bound to be ups and downs. The pictures I saw on Craig’s List advertising our apartment were actually of another remodeled apartment. Our place was furnished with lopsided cabinets and crooked fixtures. I was a bit disappointed until I found out what the rent on the remodeled one was going for.
These days, we make our own repairs, love our laid back landlord, and count our blessings. Our rent has not gone up in four years #whatelsecangoright?! Especially in the beginning, keeping expenses low is advised. Lot’s of curve balls could be coming, and you want to take it slow and steady. Be frugal for a while if you can.
Helpful Moving Resources
Check out my website for more tips – I’m your friendly neighborhood life coach! But don’t just take my word for it. Here are some helpful articles on preparing for and coping with the stresses of moving. Happy trails to you!