Liberty - Too Big To FailBrian Chen, a Dartmouth College student, recently attended Liberty Forum for the first time and covered it in The Dartmouth Review. In the article, he shares his impressions of the conference and the Free State Project.

Chen writes: “There is the trope that libertarians are selfish and do not care about the poor, but my experience at Liberty Forum simply demolishes this supposition. The general character of conference attendees struck me; they were all unfailingly friendly, generous, and kind. People reached out to me not just to say hello, but to actually get to know me. Free Staters worked to help those struggling to find firm footing in the state, helping them find housing and work. The project is a real community, where participants supported each other. Traditionally, community-based forms of insurance and support have been used instead of government welfare programs, and my experience at Liberty Forum has reaffirmed my belief in a voluntary safety net that relies on real compassion and a more virtuous people will be superior to any state program.”