by Chris Lopez | Sep 11, 2019 | Merrimack Valley, Mover Stories
It was a warm Sunday afternoon in July and I was driving home from the city. I had lived in San Francisco for 10 years but resignedly moved to the North Bay. I missed the city terribly, but I was divorced with a young daughter and couldn’t afford more than a tiny...
by Chris Lopez | May 15, 2019 | Merrimack Valley, Thank a Free Stater
If you like to smile, you should meet White Marriott! Also known as the NH Balloon Man, you can find him entertaining children and adults with his fun and unique business model. He’s got swords, flowers, looney tunes, and a variety of hats that include rainbows,...
by Chris Lopez | Apr 12, 2019 | Merrimack Valley, Thank a Free Stater
Not all Free Staters had to move to New Hampshire – some of them already lived here. Like many others, Bill and his wife Gail came to know about us during the Ron Paul campaign. Being an activist on that campaign was an exciting time, and many connections were...
by Chris Lopez | Mar 13, 2019 | Lakes Region, Mover Stories
I first heard about the Free State Project in 2010 when I picked up a flyer at a Libertarian Party event. The idea immediately appealed to me, so I put it up on my icebox, and there it sat for the next eight years. As my retirement inched closer, I started to give...
by Guest Blogger | Mar 1, 2019 | Merrimack Valley, Mover Stories
Moving out of Boston was always a mutual goal for us – we just had no idea where we wanted to go! After a [rainy] weekend camping trip in Littleton, NH in August 2017, I turned to Nathan and asked him if we really had to leave New Hampshire and go back to the...
by Guest Blogger | Mar 1, 2019 | Freecoast, Mover Stories
Dave learned of the Free State Project from the 2002 article about it by Walter Williams and was very intrigued by the idea. He visited their website from time to time and sometime after New Hampshire was chosen as the state, he decided to sign up. That was in 2005 so...