by Guest Blogger | Mar 31, 2020 | Education, School Choice, Unschooling
When it comes to teaching young people, many experts see New Hampshire as one of the best states for education. But why? In a word, innovation! Thanks to legislative advances in recent years, New Hampshire is now on the cutting edge of educational options,...
by James Davis | May 17, 2018 | Unschooling
If there were a top 5 list of concerns about unschooling, the “spoiling” question would probably be right behind “how will they learn to read?”. Recently I read an article entitled, “Reasons Today’s Kids Are Bored at School, Feel Entitled, Have Little Patience...
by James Davis | Apr 18, 2018 | Unschooling
“My son would just play video games all day!” I recently received an email from an old friend of mine who has a 10 year old son. He was very curious about our approach to helping our children educate themselves, but also felt fearful about trying the same thing with...
by James Davis | Feb 20, 2018 | Freecoast, Unschooling
Question: “Hi James, I’ve relied on writing in my career and personal life, and it has served me well. But it’s hard for me to imagine that I would have learned it as well or as thoroughly if writing exercises hadn’t been forced on me in school. I...
by James Davis | Jan 17, 2018 | Unschooling
One of the most common things I hear when talking to people who are interested in unschooling is that they are concerned that their family, usually their partner or parents, are too scared to try it. This can be painful for everyone involved. If you want to try...
by James Davis | Oct 17, 2017 | Unschooling
I was recently scrolling through a Facebook group designed for people who plan to homeschool their children someday, and I encountered a typical objection that many unschoolers face. A mother was feeling nervous because her in-laws were making sniping comments about...