Goshe Moves to New Hampshire and Thrives

Goshe Moves to New Hampshire and Thrives

In February of 2008, when I became a U.S citizen, I was led to believe that voting was now my civic duty. Previously, I had been completely apolitical, and for the first time I started to read the agendas of the two parties. Looking back, I was just another ‘one...
Robert Moved to New Hampshire to Live Free

Robert Moved to New Hampshire to Live Free

New Hampshire just repealed concealed-carry permit requirements! We have medical marijuana and are close to decrim. We were the second state to recognize marriage rights for LGBT through legislation rather than the courts. We have the best per capita representation in...
Bringing the Chases Home to New Hampshire

Bringing the Chases Home to New Hampshire

I moved to New Hampshire in late January from Iowa. I am a New Englander by birth, but life landed me in Iowa for the past seven years, happily so. My wife is still back in Iowa settling up affairs there, and I moved early to start a new job. Having lived in both...
Melanie, an Anarchist, Finds Her Tribe

Melanie, an Anarchist, Finds Her Tribe

I had been “kinda sorta” planning on visiting New Hampshire for a while and had a train trip planned to L.A. in June for a friend’s wedding. Due to train schedules, I took almost two weeks off of work. My anarchist friend who lives in New Hampshire...
Kevin Moves to Lancaster

Kevin Moves to Lancaster

In August 2004, there was a rumor that my employer might close the facility where I worked in Texas. While discussing our options, I mentioned to my wife that a new facility had just been approved in New Hampshire. Her response: “Are you serious? How soon can we...