by Rachel Goldsmith | Sep 12, 2018 | Uncategorized
New Hampshire’s primary election was held yesterday and there were well over a hundred liberty candidates for national, state, and county office on the three ballots: Democrat, Republican, and, back again for the first time in several years, Libertarian. After...
by Chris Lopez | Sep 10, 2018 | Thank a Free Stater
Our friend Curt Howland is just that, a friend indeed. He is a father, first and foremost, but he is a tried and true friend. He is always available to lend a helping hand when it’s needed. Ask any new mover and they will tell you that Curt was there with a smile,...
by Tiffany Hale | Aug 10, 2018 | Mover Stories
Shortly after moving to New Hampshire, I remember a number of individuals making the same rebuttal to our praises: “Just wait till you’ve been there six months or a year. You’ll feel differently once the honeymoon is over.” Well I’m happy...
by Chris Lopez | Aug 8, 2018 | Thank a Free Stater
Matt Philips became president of the Free State Project on March 1, 2016, but it was not the beginning of his adventure with politics and activism. He majored in Politics at Princeton and interned at the Cato Institute, along with FSP founder Jason Sorens, before...
by Porcupine Real Estate | Aug 7, 2018 | Real Estate
Are you looking for a home with in-law quarters for a family member? Perhaps you would like to add a guest suite to an existing home to generate rental income or make room for independently living family members. In either case, you are considering the appealing real...
by Editor | Aug 3, 2018 | Merrimack Valley, Mover Stories
About three years ago I found myself in a career I didn’t particularly enjoy and in a house I struggled to afford. Was this to be my life for the next 30 years? That was a depressing thought. So I sold my house and quit my job and began a journey of self-discovery. I...
by Editor | Jul 31, 2018 | Merrimack Valley, Mover Stories
I was born and raised in Maine and have been a lifelong libertarian; I remember voting for Harry Brown in my middle school’s mock election. Life in New York City In September 2017, I moved to Brooklyn for a better dating scene and attempted to drive with Uber to...
by Guest Blogger | Jul 26, 2018 | Freecoast, Mover Stories
by Sean from Vermont I remember a good friend mentioning the Free State Project to me. All it took was a bit of research and a few web searches to know it would change my life. Moving to New Hampshire was a terrific decision, the best thing I ever did! I was living in...
by Guest Blogger | Jul 23, 2018 | Mover Stories
I dare you to make the move. The motto for New Hampshire is “Live free or Die.” This was not the lifestyle my long-time friend Micah and I were enjoying on the West Coast. The West Coast is beautiful and the weather is nice, but even all of that beauty...
by Jennifer Narby | Jul 11, 2018 | Community
BE IMPECCABLE WITH YOUR WORD. – don Miguel Ruiz, Four Agreements This month, I want to write about the importance of communicating clearly. I do this as much for myself as anyone else reading, because it is not always easy to say what we mean, mean what we say,...