I dare you to make the move.
The motto for New Hampshire is “Live free or Die.” This was not the lifestyle my long-time friend Micah and I were enjoying on the West Coast. The West Coast is beautiful and the weather is nice, but even all of that beauty cannot make up for bad policy. People often have no idea about freedom until they begin to lose it.
Coming from the West Coast I watched freedom get destroyed by corrupted politicians who wanted the state to control the individual. This happened slowly but surely. The laws of the land began to get more and more oppressive over an eight-year period of time. When looking for places to move, my bro said, “Let’s move to New Hampshire because of the motto Live Free or Die.”
Finding the Free State Project
I was familiar with the East Coast, having been up to visit family in Connecticut, but I had never thought about New Hampshire. The west coast was bleeding bad. The taxes were insane; the gun laws were reaching “communist” levels; conspiracy theories were becoming realities. New Hampshire was becoming very intriguing to me.
So one day while browsing the potential places to live in New Hampshire, I came across the Free State Project. I took time to study it and signed the pledge. I was so thrilled that a group of liberty-minded activists actually existed.
Making the Move
It took a year after we signed to make the move, but this year we were not going to let any circumstance or situation stop us. After our lease was up in the Tahoe area, we packed the truck and were on the road. It took a week to get here, but was a wonderful drive up! Not only is New Hampshire a wonderful place to live, but it is in close proximity to some of the best airports in the USA. This was a big plus!
I can tell you personally: if you want to move here, the first step is taking a step, then one foot in front of another. Within the first month of being here, we got to spend two wonderful weeks in the White Mountains and two weeks at the beach (did I mention you can get anywhere in the state within two hours?).
Getting Involved in the Liberty Community
Before Micah and I moved, we were always advocates for freedom, which made us the odd balls when everyone around us were crying out for socialism. It was strange how many people were vouching for the government to take control but had no idea what socialism even entailed. We loved the history of the Revolution as well as the potential New Hampshire has for another major Revolution. There is power in numbers! New Hampshire is becoming a push-back state against government control and higher taxes.
Recently we met with a few of the wonderful State Reps, activist and freedom lovers and enjoyed every moment of it. It is a good tribe to be part of. These people aren’t just making noise, they are helping bring real change that eventually can be a prototype all over the USA. New Hampshire is not just a historic place, it is a place that is writing history as we speak.
One of the big lies is that “libertarian” ideas are not compatible with Christianity. Reality check! This movement encompasses every person who loves freedom. This is a freedom-loving community of peaceful (nonviolent) activists. Once you are in New Hampshire, you can find your niche! It is a happening place with young entrepreneurs. The community has meetups, and people engage in activism via groups that provide access to the state’s leaders.
You Can Do This Too
New Hampshire is an amazing place for you to become established and live out your dreams. If you travel, it is a wonderful home base. If you are creative, it is a great place to express that creativity. If you are a visionary, you have a blank canvas that you can turn into a beautiful picture. This is a great place to be a leader and not a follower.
If you have about $5,000 in your wallet and are young and want to get some liberty-loving friends together and move, that’s more than enough money to rent and sustain you while looking for a place. That $5,000 should be enough for gas, food, and rental. Jobs are in abundance in the area. If you move with more people you can combine the money. All you need is a desire to move, and a little bit of frugality to save up.
We came with less than $5,000 and were able to travel from the West Coast to the East Coast. We stayed in hotels for a month but signed a lease after the first two weeks. It has been well worth it.
What is your excuse for not moving? I dare you to take the risk!