by Kate | Aug 5, 2019 | Real Estate
Living in New Hampshire: the Home Owner’s Dilemmas Thinking about where to live once you #MakeYourMove?? Here are a couple of considerations that are specific to New England and New Hampshire. When to Buy vs When to Rent Renting is a great short-term housing...
by Rachel Goldsmith | Jul 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
Shhh! Don’t tell anyone, but New Hampshire is the top state in Opportunity, according to US News & World Report. With consistently great numbers in the categories like Fiscal Stability, Natural Environment, Equality, and Internet Access, New Hampshire is the...
by Rachel Goldsmith | Jul 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
Settling back into the real world after PorcFest is always a struggle (I still have a bag of camping dishwares packed up in a bag that may get thrown in its entirety into the dishwasher), but this year, as every year, the exhaustion and elation go hand in hand....
by Dennis Pratt | Jul 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
{After moving to Dover NH in Nov 2018, I was lucky enough to work under Jessica Paxton as the “Coordinator of the Creating Communities Tent”, joining a large team of coordinators who make the FSP flagship Porcupine Freedom Festival (PorcFest) possible. I...
by Chris Lopez | May 28, 2019 | Community, Free State Project Updates, Thank a Free Stater
Since we triggered the move in February of 2016, we have continued to get signers pledging to move to New Hampshire, many of whom have given us their phone numbers. Last week we had a little calling/pizza party at our Manchester Clubhouse and called over 500 of these...
by Chris Lopez | May 15, 2019 | Merrimack Valley, Thank a Free Stater
If you like to smile, you should meet White Marriott! Also known as the NH Balloon Man, you can find him entertaining children and adults with his fun and unique business model. He’s got swords, flowers, looney tunes, and a variety of hats that include rainbows,...
by Guest Blogger | May 7, 2019 | Community, Free State Project Updates
Last year, during a clear-headed moment, I asked myself one of those turning-point questions: “What do you want to do with your life?” The answer came to me immediately: “Do more to achieve ‘Liberty in Your Lifetime'”. Like thousands of...
by Chris Lopez | Apr 12, 2019 | Merrimack Valley, Thank a Free Stater
Not all Free Staters had to move to New Hampshire – some of them already lived here. Like many others, Bill and his wife Gail came to know about us during the Ron Paul campaign. Being an activist on that campaign was an exciting time, and many connections were...
by Jennifer Narby | Mar 18, 2019 | NH Life & Issues
After a long winter, many of us like to thoroughly clean our homes. We open the windows, take out the feather duster, and get to it. It feels so great to see through clean glass, smell the grass growing, see the first signs of flowers blooming, and of...
by Chris Lopez | Mar 13, 2019 | Lakes Region, Mover Stories
I first heard about the Free State Project in 2010 when I picked up a flyer at a Libertarian Party event. The idea immediately appealed to me, so I put it up on my icebox, and there it sat for the next eight years. As my retirement inched closer, I started to give...