by Guest Blogger | Jul 30, 2015 | Community, Lakes Region
Many of the nearly 2,000 people who have already moved here to New Hampshire for the Free State Project have become involved with supporting and volunteering in their communities. Early movers to the picturesque Lakes Region near the center of our beautiful state are...
by Editor | Apr 26, 2015 | Media Coverage
Brian Chen, a Dartmouth College student, recently attended Liberty Forum for the first time and covered it in The Dartmouth Review. In the article, he shares his impressions of the conference and the Free State Project. Chen writes: “There is the trope that...
by Guest Blogger | Apr 7, 2015 | Expanding Liberties
by Kevin Bloom Editor’s Note: The following article first appeared in the 3rd edition of The Free Stater magazine, which was distributed at Liberty Forum 2015. Kevin Bloom’s story exemplifies the old adage: “Where there is a will, there is a...
by Jason Sorens | Mar 27, 2015 | NH Life & Issues
All wealth comes from production and exchange: making and trading goods and services. The two are closely related: the more you trade, the more you’re able to produce. How does that work? Through the magic of specialization. When you trade, you’re able to specialize...
by Sarah Chamberlain | Mar 25, 2015 | Mover Stories, Upper Valley
Community. The word always left a bad taste in my mouth. In my life, “community” has meant something awful, something dreadful. And by age 23, I knew that becoming part of a community was something I would fight to avoid at all costs. I think it was just after...
by Editor | Mar 23, 2015 | Blockchain & Crytpocurrency, Media Coverage
Mark Warden is an early mover from Las Vegas, Nevada. He is a former NH state legislator and the man behind Porcupine Real Estate. He recently chatted with Freedom Phoenix’s Ernest Hancock about the Free State Project, Liberty Forum 2015, the Porcupine Freedom...
by Jason Sorens | Mar 11, 2015 | NH Life & Issues
Paternalism means forcing someone to do something, or not to do something, for that person’s own good. For instance, a vigilante paternalist might go around slapping cigarettes out of people’s hands. The government often engages in paternalism to deny...
by Jason Sorens | Mar 8, 2015 | NH Life & Issues
Let’s assume that we have a moral duty to help others from time to time, at least when it is not too costly for us to do so. That’s what I really believe. Now, is such a moral duty enforceable? Is it OK to use coercion to make someone do good for others?...
by Editor | Jan 29, 2015 | Media Coverage
The Dartmouth Review recently published a conversation about the Free State Project and liberty in New Hampshire with Jason Sorens, the project’s founder. In it, Sorens says: “I was raised in a strongly religious right household. So, as a teenager, I...
by Carla Gericke | Dec 15, 2014 | NH Life & Issues
#1: All the Woolen Underthings When confronted with your first New Hampshire winter, everyone will tell you to invest in woolen undergarments. Everyone will tell you to, but YOU will ignore this advice for at least the first if not the second winter. You will say:...