Justin and Sarah Found their Freedom Farm

Justin and Sarah Found their Freedom Farm

Sarah and I came from Upstate New York, the only area either of us had ever lived. We were raised there, went to college there, and got jobs there. It kept us happy for a little while but we knew we wanted to experience more than the cramped suburban apartment in...
Goshe Moves to New Hampshire and Thrives

Goshe Moves to New Hampshire and Thrives

In February of 2008, when I became a U.S citizen, I was led to believe that voting was now my civic duty. Previously, I had been completely apolitical, and for the first time I started to read the agendas of the two parties. Looking back, I was just another ‘one...
Big Day in da Haus

Big Day in da Haus

Yesterday was a great day for liberty in the state capitol. Pro-liberty bills passed left and right in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, and will now be considered in the Senate, after which they could make their way to the Governor’s desk for signature....
FSP Goes to Anarchapulco

FSP Goes to Anarchapulco

Last weekend I went down to check out Anarchapulco. Since I missed my Mexico City connection by a couple minutes, I was jerked around by the airline and I ended up checking into the auspiciously named “NH Collection” Airport Hotel. I ran into Eric July...
Robert Moved to New Hampshire to Live Free

Robert Moved to New Hampshire to Live Free

New Hampshire just repealed concealed-carry permit requirements! We have medical marijuana and are close to decrim. We were the second state to recognize marriage rights for LGBT through legislation rather than the courts. We have the best per capita representation in...