The Role of Deschooling in Self-Directed Education

The Role of Deschooling in Self-Directed Education

“My son would just play video games all day!” I recently received an email from an old friend of mine who has a 10 year old son. He was very curious about our approach to helping our children educate themselves, but also felt fearful about trying the same thing with...
It’s PorcFest Planning Time!

It’s PorcFest Planning Time!

Can you believe it? It’s already time to start planning for Porcfest 2018. Your PorcFest Production Team has been working hard to plan an amazing event, and we think that you are going to LOVE what we have in store! This year you’ll be treated to a concert by...
NHPR Covers Free Staters

NHPR Covers Free Staters

Mark and Cyndi are excited to be new movers to New Hampshire. Mark is here already, and Cyndi plans to move at the end of the school year. They recently spoke with Britta Greene at NHPR about their journey with the Free State Project: About four years ago, Cyndi...
Thanking Margot Keyes

Thanking Margot Keyes

Margot Keyes is a mother, wife, neighbor, and friend. Since moving to New Hampshire in 2005 with her husband and four girls, she has been a cheerful part of the porcupine community. Margot has a knack for hospitality and always seems to have a smile on her face. If...