Thanking Hershel Nunez

Thanking Hershel Nunez

Hershel Nunez is a tall drink of cool water. Hailing originally from Texas, he has a polite nature, is a hard worker, and likes to help people. Ever the optimist, Hershel moved to New Hampshire before the Free State Project chose this state and has been a force of...
PorcFest XV Update

PorcFest XV Update

PorcFest XV is right around the corner, y’all! This June 19-24, we’ll be back at Rogers Campground in the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire – such a perfect setting for our annual freedom festival. Each year, visitors from all over the world come to PorcFest....
Amenities in New Hampshire’s North Country

Amenities in New Hampshire’s North Country

One of my biggest questions before deciding to relocate to Northern New Hampshire was where we could go for basic needs like a dentist or dog food. I’m not sure why exactly but I had this image in my head that there were no amenities in the North. Turns out that...
Heard in New Hampshire

Heard in New Hampshire

“Three years ago we made a bet that New Hampshire could become our new home – having never visited, with little to no ties to the area, and only a one month unpaid veterinary externship to go on. We met friends on day one that helped us move in, we found...