New Hampshire Taxes

Overall Tax Burden in New Hampshire

Most people who value liberty are concerned about taxes. When you join the Free State Project and move to New Hampshire, you’ll be living in one of the lowest taxed states in the country!

In 2021, Wallet Hub ranked NH #1 in taxpayer Return on Investment. They also ranked NH #2 in lowest taxes paid per capita.

The Granite State’s low tax burden is a result of:

  • No income tax
  • No sales tax
  • No capital gains tax
  • No inheritance or estate taxes

New Hampshire does collect:

  • Property taxes that vary by town
  • Auto registration fees
  • A 9% rooms and meals tax (also on rental cars)
  • A 5% tax on dividends and interest with a $2,400/$4,800 exemption plus additional exemptions
  • Taxes on the self-employed above a certain threshold (by 2021, the business profits tax will be 7.5% and the business enterprise tax will be .5%)

Source: WalletHub

About Property Taxes

The ability to choose one’s property tax rate makes New Hampshire an appealing option for those who value liberty and low taxes. Though New Hampshire ranks #2 in per capita property taxes, tax rates and assessed values vary greatly from town to town. The median tax amount paid in rural areas can be quite low (see the map to the right).

Those who are willing to commute farther to work and those who don’t need to commute can lower their overall tax burden significantly by shopping for low-tax towns. Free Staters’ favorite low-tax towns include Berlin, Croydon, Hebron, Holderness, Moultonborough, Newington and Tuftonboro.  See understanding New Hampshire property taxes and our real estate column for more information.

New Hampshire Property Tax Median Amounts

Low New Hampshire Taxes Result in a Thriving Economy

New Hampshire’s robust economy boasts the 3rd lowest unemployment rate in the country (as of March 2019). The state ranks #6 in the State Business Tax Climate Index for 2019, with no tax on machinery, equipment, or inventory.

The combination of a high median household income (ranked #6 in 2018) and low individual tax burden creates conditions for residents to thrive. Consequently, New Hampshire has the lowest percentage of residents and children living in poverty.

New Hampshire residents rank #1 in financial literacy. The state boasts the highest per-capita Bitcoin usage, with an active cryptocurrency economy and the longest running crypto meeting in the world. A 2017 law exempts digital currency traders from the state’s money transmission regulations.

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