by Chris Lopez | May 15, 2019 | Merrimack Valley, Thank a Free Stater
If you like to smile, you should meet White Marriott! Also known as the NH Balloon Man, you can find him entertaining children and adults with his fun and unique business model. He’s got swords, flowers, looney tunes, and a variety of hats that include rainbows,...
by Chris Lopez | May 8, 2018 | Thank a Free Stater
Hershel Nunez is a tall drink of cool water. Hailing originally from Texas, he has a polite nature, is a hard worker, and likes to help people. Ever the optimist, Hershel moved to New Hampshire before the Free State Project chose this state and has been a force of...
by Guest Blogger | Mar 16, 2018 | Mover Stories, North Country
My husband and I and our four kids were living in Katy, Texas, before discovering the Free State Project. I was a dedicated youth leader homeschooling my kids, and my husband worked in the oil and gas industry. In 2010, we started looking for better places to raise...
by Guest Blogger | Jan 27, 2017 | Mover Stories
In August 2004, there was a rumor that my employer might close the facility where I worked in Texas. While discussing our options, I mentioned to my wife that a new facility had just been approved in New Hampshire. Her response: “Are you serious? How soon can we...