by Guest Blogger | Mar 1, 2020 | Free State Project Updates
It’s been a month since a very big, exciting change happened in my life. In case you missed it, the Free State Project’s torch was passed from one Executive Director to the next. Accordingly, this change was publicly announced on February 1st at the 2020...
by Guest Blogger | May 7, 2019 | Community, Free State Project Updates
Last year, during a clear-headed moment, I asked myself one of those turning-point questions: “What do you want to do with your life?” The answer came to me immediately: “Do more to achieve ‘Liberty in Your Lifetime'”. Like thousands of...
by Carla Gericke | Apr 13, 2016 | NH Life & Issues
I have an odd relationship with the Town of Weare, a place of rebellion. Weare is where I was arrested–Where? Weare!–in 2010 for filming police officers during a routine traffic stop. I was charged with felony wiretapping, facing 7 years in prison. All...
by Emmett Harris | Jul 13, 2014 | NH Life & Issues
In 1787, when asked about his opinion of the Philadelphia constitutional proceedings happening in secret, Patrick Henry famously replied, “I smell a rat!” Henry opposed the proposed Constitution because he feared it would centralize power in a strong national...
by Emmett Harris | Aug 13, 2013 | Lakes Region, NH Life & Issues
Individual sovereignty is a concept that formed the bedrock of Common Law traditions extending back to the Magna Carta. Its essence is self-ownership, and its antithesis is subservience and slavery. The idea is axiomatic. Some have even called it self-evident. There...