Remote work from home jobs: NH graded as 3rd best state
These days, it seems that lots of people now have remote work from home jobs. Additionally, many more workers will be able to work from just about anywhere in the near future. So, if you're a libertarian activist with one of those remote work from home jobs, where...

7 Years Later: Still Happy to Trade the Heat of FL for the Beauty of NH
Leaving Florida I moved to New Hampshire in 2012, as a 12-year-old, along with my parents and sister. We were not yet participants of the Free State Project, but we were ready to move away from Florida. When my parents were growing up, our area (about 30 miles north...

A Free Stater Illustrates his Definition of Libertarianism
Here is how I illustrated a definition of libertarianism to a group of non-libertarians in Massachusetts. I had already signed my Statement of Intent to move to the 'Live Free or Die' state of New Hampshire, and so, when an advanced personal growth seminar gave me...

Psst! It’s Happening… PorcFest XVII…
Psst! Did you hear? Those crazy Porcupines of the Free(ish) State of New Hampshire are throwing a weeklong party, and YOU are invited! Click to learn more and buy your $25 tix…

COVID-19 Coronavirus poll results: Average Americans vs. FSP supporters
The Free State Project's COVID-19 coronavirus poll results prove there is a wide gap between the beliefs of average Americans and those who support the Free State Project (FSP). Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this blog post are mine and may or may not reflect...