Will unschooled children choose to develop skills for success?
A reader asks James: Do you ever worry that your kids won’t pick up proficiency in things that will serve them well but aren’t very appealing on their surface? Writing essays = not appealing. Being able to write well for the rest of your life = priceless…

Ken’s Family Leaves the Arizona Desert for New Hampshire
I’ve always had libertarian leanings, but never saw much hope for any major changes, even in Arizona. Then in 2016, I picked up The Economist magazine and happened upon an article entitled ‘Live Free, or Try.’

Thanking Liam and Samantha Leane
Since moving to New Hampshire, Liam and Samantha Leane have dedicated countless hours to volunteering and promoting the Free State Project. They produced Liberty Forum 2012 and 2013 as well as PorcFest 2014. With their hard work and attention to detail, these were some of our most successful events!

Robert and Carol Choose New Hampshire over Wisconsin
Robert and his family dropped everything to move to New Hampshire, where they are enjoying the beauty, the people, and the feeling of freedom. Robert writes: We saw something in New Hampshire. There is no way I’d ever turn back. It is where we were meant to be.

Buying a Home in New Hampshire: Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions about purchasing a home in New Hampshire? Porcupine Real Estate has compiled FAQs by out-of-state buyers to help you make your move.