
Thanking Hershel Nunez

Thanking Hershel Nunez

Hershel Nunez is a tall drink of cool water. He has volunteered three times at Liberty Forum as our exhibition hall coordinator. He has a unique knack for making people feel valued and creates an atmosphere of warmth with his generous spirit.

PorcFest XV Update

PorcFest XV Update

This June 19-24, the Porcupine Freedom Festival will be hosted at Rogers Campground in the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire – such a perfect setting for our annual celebration of liberty!

Amenities in New Hampshire’s North Country

Amenities in New Hampshire’s North Country

It turns out that there are plenty of amenities and conveniences in rural northern New Hampshire! Learn about the shops and services available to you in the North Country.

Heard in New Hampshire

Heard in New Hampshire

What are Free Staters saying this month? What’s it like to move to New Hampshire – and what is the Pine Tree Riot anyway? You’ll get a cow’s eye view here!

The Porcupine Freedom Festival

June 2021
The most popular way to experience the Free State!