
2018 New Hampshire Primary is Prime for Liberty

2018 New Hampshire Primary is Prime for Liberty

New Hampshire's primary election was held yesterday and there were well over a hundred liberty candidates for national, state, and county office on the three ballots: Democrat, Republican, and, back again for the first time in several years, Libertarian. After months...

Thanks, Curt Howland!

Thanks, Curt Howland!

Curt is a friend, neighbor, and all around great guy. He has helped hundreds of people move to New Hampshire, unloading their moving trucks with a smile, and we are SO thankful!

Thanking Matt Philips

Thanking Matt Philips

Matt has volunteered countless hours to the Free State Project, offering helpful leadership, insights and support.

The Porcupine Freedom Festival

June 2021
The most popular way to experience the Free State!