Gabi Finds Liberty, Love, and Community in New Hampshire
I remember when I first moved, I felt overwhelmed with the abundance of opportunities that lay in front of me. There are so many activities to be a part of, groups and organizations to join, and amazing people to meet.

Thanks, Emily Smith!
Emily Smith brings community together as a farmer, homeschooler, wife, and entrepreneur!
Building Your Porcupine Community
Our goal moving to New Hampshire was to enjoy the friendship of other liberty loving individuals. Our fear was not finding that community and just being isolated. We have thankfully found our North Country Porcupines to be a friendly and welcoming bunch! For a...

Fall into Freedom as New Hampshire’s Seasons Change
Are you ready for fall’s cooler temperatures and less sunshine? Does your freedom to enjoy a full life depends on it? Jennifer shares what she’s learned since moving to the state five years ago.

Jeremy Kauffman Joins the Board
The Free State Project is pleased to announce that Jeremy Kauffman is joining its Board of Directors. Kauffman is the founder and CEO of LBRY.io, a New Hampshire-based blockchain company that produces and maintains a decentralized content sharing and publishing...