This is a list of the policies passed by the FSP Board of Directors. As new policies are passed, they will be added here.
Conflict of Interest Policy (passed 12/19/11)
The purpose of the conflict of interest policy is to protect the FSP’s interests when it is contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of an officer or director of the Free State Project or might result in a possible excess benefit transaction. This policy is intended to supplement but not replace any applicable state and federal laws governing conflict of interest applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations. Full text here.
Policy and Procedure for Removing Participants (passed 7/11/04)
Participants may be removed for promoting violence, racial hatred, or bigotry. Participants who are deemed detrimental to the accomplishment of the Free State Project’s goals may also be removed. A committee consisting of all of the board members plus the President and Vice President shall consider all cases of participant removal. Participants shall be removed only upon an affirmative vote of five members of this committee.
Participants Database Policy (passed 7/11/04)
Everyone who gets the Database signs a non-disclosure. The Secretary gets a copy as required by the bylaws. The President gets a complete copy with appropriate updates. The President can authorize release of a copy to the VP and ongoing updates if he/she feels the VP needs it. (i.e. it is not automatic. President needs to approve once.) Any other board member who wants a copy needs board approval. Anyone else who wants the database needs a reason for getting it, needs to get permission from the President, gets only opt-ins or no preference participants, and gets the smallest possible subset of information required to do the job. The President and IT will notify the board of all such filled requests.
Information Technology Department Policy (passed 12/13/03)
Set up an Information Technology (IT) department with an IT Director, Webmaster, and Database Manager. The IT Director reports to the President. The Database Manager sends a list of members to the Secretary weekly. The President reports to the Board. The President should fill these positions as soon as possible. Original server access is limited to the President, the Board, the IT Director, the Webmaster, and the Database Manager, but the President may grant new server access privileges, which he may also revoke at any time. However, the President may not revoke the access privileges of himself, the Board of Directors, or the Web Team.
Travel Reimbursement Policy (passed 11/08/03)
When a person is traveling on approved FSP business, he or she may receive driving compensation at the rate of 25 cents a mile without specific further approval, while if he or she needs a hotel, plane ticket, rental car, or other transportation or lodging reimbursement costing more than $100 in total, he or she must receive specific approval of those expenditures before receiving reimbursement; the approval of the President is necessary and sufficient for amounts below $500, while the approval of the President and at least one Board Member is necessary and sufficient for amounts above $500; and that approval must be given in writing, whether by email or letter.
FSP Partner Policy (passed 10/29/03)
To be an FSP partner, a company would have to maintain some business standards, e.g. send us a sample of their goods. The requirement for FSP partnership is that the entity (person or business) who wishes to be an FSP partner have items that are related to the mission of the FSP and be in good taste. The FSP logo may be used only with the explicit permission of the FSP, and only for official FSP business. A separate FSP Partner logo that would contain the FSP logo, modeled on the Associate program, may be provided to certain authorized third parties. Web banners have been created for linking to the FSP web site. They may be used without advance permission. The FSP may grant authorization to use the FSP Partner logo to certain entities that have satisfied the requirements for FSP partnership. Appearing on a web site, the FSP Partner logo will always contain a link to the FSP web site home page. Until the partner logo is ready, those standing “in line” and those already using the official logo may continue to do so, but will be asked to change as soon as the partner logo is available. The FSP may without cause or explanation revoke authorization to display the FSP Partner logo, having first given advance notice, not more than 90 days, to prevent any business losses. If an entity violates the requirements for FSP partnership, the FSP may revoke authorization to display the logo without warning. Any person or corporation wanting FSP partnership shall establish to the FSP’s satisfaction that the business activity is legitimate, e.g. by providing full contact details and a sample of the merchandise to be sold. For entities offering products for sale, the license fee shall be 5% of gross sales from sale of the licensed product. The board agreed unanimously to have CPA Malcolm Hastings check over the licensing fee for tax purposes.
Web Team Policy (passed 10/29/03)
The Web Team, consisting of Matt Cheselka, Tom Parker, and Steve Cobb are responsible for day-to-day running of the website and associated tech features. The President is responsible for overseeing the Team and solving any problems on a day to day basis.
Dual Officers Policy (passed 10/25/03; updated 03/22/09)
The executive, corporate officers of the FSP should not hold executive, corporate office in political organizations during their FSP term of office.
Web Submissions Policy (passed 10/25/03)
If any BOD or Officer receives a link request, they check out the site & send it to Tom Parker to be added to the web page in the appropriate section. If any BOD or Officer receives an article submission, they send it to Steve Cobb for copy editing & htmling, or to Mary Lou Seymour for copy editing & Tom Parker for html-ing when Steve unavailable.
Greeters Program Policy (passed 10/25/03)
The FSP will expand the Greeter Program to have a Greeter in every state. When someone joins the FSP, he or she would be asked, “Allow my local area greeter to contact me about meetings or events.” For those who answered yes, our system automatically sends an email to the appropriate greeter with the new member’s email address and/or phone number. Within days of joining the FSP, a new member gets a call or an email from their Greeter welcoming the new member to the FSP, inviting the new member to local group activities and offering to answer any questions.
Treasurer Instructions (passed 10/04/03)
The FSP treasurer is directed to set up a bank account that needs two signatures for any check written over $500, and that the second signature be either the chairman of the board, or his designee. The bank account should be with a bank with online access, and all Directors shall have the ability to review the account online at any time.
Organizers List Resolution (passed 9/13/03; updated 5/16/04)
The Board has made permanent the category of “Organizers,” a leadership group of FSP volunteers and advisors chosen by a majority of the Board. Organizers enjoy the right to participate on the e-mail list for Board members and Officers. The maximum minimum membership on the e-mail list is 15.
FSP Standard Disclaimer
The Free State Project (FSP) is an effort to recruit 20,000 pro- liberty activists to move to New Hampshire, where they will exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the maximum role of government is the protection of life, liberty and property. The work of creating and sustaining such a society in New Hampshire is the job of residents, including project participants, not the Free State Project itself. The FSP does not endorse any specific changes to government or strategies to achieve them. The FSP does not take positions on issues, candidates, legislation, places to move within New Hampshire, tactics or methods of action. The one stipulation the FSP does make is that people who promote violence, racial hatred, or bigotry are not welcome. Reporting by the FSP on participant activity or NH events on the website, in the newsletter, or in any other place does not represent support or endorsement and may not portray the diversity of opinions and activities that exists among participants.