The undersigned hereby agrees and acknowledges:

1. That during the course of my association with the Free State Project (“FSP”) there may be disclosed to me confidential information, including but not limited to financial and personal information about participants, donors, event attendees, other volunteers, employees, contractors, officers, board members, etc.

2. That I shall not during, or at any time after the termination of my association with the FSP, use for myself or others, or disclose or divulge to others, including future FSP efforts, any such confidential information.

3. That I have never been convicted of a felony.

4. That upon the termination of my efforts with the Free State Project:

a. I shall return to the FSP all documents and property of the FSP or, as directed by an officer or board member, destroy electronic copies of documents and confidential information. I further agree that I shall not retain any copies, notes or abstracts of those documents or confidential information.

b. The FSP may notify anyone of the existence of this agreement, and shall be entitled to full injunctive relief for any breach.

c. This agreement shall be binding upon me and my personal representatives and successors in interest, and shall inure to the benefit of the FSP, its successors and assigns.

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Rev 2017-04-20