We are the Kelly family: Will, Julie, and our niece Lyra. We moved to New Hampshire from Baltimore in August 2019 in our RV. We spent the most of the fall/winter exploring New Hampshire, adjusting to the slower paced lifestyle, and hiding inside from the cold. We’ve recently been enjoying plugging into Free State events and meeting other Free Staters.
Will grew up in Oklahoma.  He signed the pledge when he was high school.  Life happened. He went to college, joined the Navy, then met and married me. He more or less forgot about the FSP. We moved across the country to Baltimore, MD for my school and somewhere along the line he was reintroduced to the FSP. I was all for it.
We spent years visiting NH during our vacations. With each visit the move felt more and more right. We had planned to move in 2013 but career opportunities and great friends kept us in place.
After we were given permanent guardianship of our little girl, we decided the move was now or never. We spent a year preparing to move. We downsized most of our things, visited to tour schools, Will switched to working mostly remotely, then we bought the RV and just went for it.
We love it here; we hope to buy a house soon and really put down roots.