Heard in New Hampshire

Heard in New Hampshire

Black Mountain in Benton, NH, by Mary Sorens “Just enjoying a beautiful 70 degree fall day, hanging out on my deck!” ~Tiffany Hale “Four days from forest to table. Harvested my first black bear with crossbow last Friday. Nourishing the family in the...
Unschooling: Who Teaches the Children?

Unschooling: Who Teaches the Children?

I was recently scrolling through a Facebook group designed for people who plan to homeschool their children someday, and I encountered a typical objection that many unschoolers face. A mother was feeling nervous because her in-laws were making sniping comments about...
Morgan’s PorcFest Story

Morgan’s PorcFest Story

by Kitty Michelotti Have you ever lost your wallet? You know that sickening feeling when you first realize it’s really gone and you panic? Magnify that by and 100 you might understand how my two year old, Morgan, felt when he realized his favorite bag of trucks...
Why Amazon Won’t Choose New Hampshire

Why Amazon Won’t Choose New Hampshire

According to the Concord Monitor, Governor Sununu is “aggressively” pursuing the online retailer Amazon.com, which is looking to open a second global headquarters that could employ as many as 50,000 people. New Hampshire is a great place for business, with low taxes...
How will unschooled kids ‘become socialized’?

How will unschooled kids ‘become socialized’?

Welcome back to our monthly unschooling blog! If you have any questions you’d like answered in this blog, please email me at james@dfsr.com. I’d love to hear from you and answer any questions you might have (and talk parenting, if you’d like!). Today’s question comes...