by Guest Blogger | Jul 28, 2017 | Merrimack Valley, Mover Stories
My husband Jeremy and I are originally from two small towns in Western NY: Avon and Byron. We were looking for change in the spring of 2013 when we finally decided to move to Charleston, SC. By October 2014, we were settled in Charleston! We were only in South...
by Guest Blogger | Jul 21, 2017 | Blockchain & Crytpocurrency, Mover Stories
I am a father, anarchist, minimalist, business owner, and systems engineer. I have traveled throughout the country, cruised around the Caribbean, and visited Europe. I have lived my whole life in the small town of Bergen, NY. It is a great community, with the...
by Guest Blogger | Apr 28, 2017 | Mover Stories
Until a few months ago, I had lived my entire life in the Mojave desert of California (Lancaster, specifically). By the time I reached adulthood in January of 2004, I was already sick of both the natural and political environment there and knew I wanted to leave as...
by Guest Blogger | Apr 14, 2017 | Mover Stories
Sarah and I came from Upstate New York, the only area either of us had ever lived. We were raised there, went to college there, and got jobs there. It kept us happy for a little while but we knew we wanted to experience more than the cramped suburban apartment in...
by Editor | Apr 7, 2017 | Mover Stories
I am mover #1653. To know my Free State Project story, I must tell you where I was and how I got here. It’s mid-July, 2014 and I live in Marion, OH, an hour north of Columbus, when I first hear of the Free State Project. Marion is a place where jobs were scarce....
by Editor | Mar 27, 2017 | Merrimack Valley, Mover Stories
What it took to get me to New Hampshire: Back in 2011, when I was just about to graduate college in my native state of Connecticut, I had a dream of buying a sailboat to live on and travel the Caribbean. I was travelling to Rhode Island and back multiple times per...