Thanking Hershel Nunez

Thanking Hershel Nunez

Hershel Nunez is a tall drink of cool water. Hailing originally from Texas, he has a polite nature, is a hard worker, and likes to help people. Ever the optimist, Hershel moved to New Hampshire before the Free State Project chose this state and has been a force of...
PorcFest XV Update

PorcFest XV Update

PorcFest XV is right around the corner, y’all! This June 19-24, we’ll be back at Rogers Campground in the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire – such a perfect setting for our annual freedom festival. Each year, visitors from all over the world come to PorcFest....
NHPR Covers Free Staters

NHPR Covers Free Staters

Mark and Cyndi are excited to be new movers to New Hampshire. Mark is here already, and Cyndi plans to move at the end of the school year. They recently spoke with Britta Greene at NHPR about their journey with the Free State Project: About four years ago, Cyndi...