Thanking Chip Spangler

Thanking Chip Spangler

Chip Spangler has been in NH since 2015, and has been an unstoppable force for liberty since long before that. For over 15 years, Chip has been involved with the Libertarian Party: he was Chair of the Maryland LP, a party officer in Alaska, and currently serves as the...
Heard in New Hampshire

Heard in New Hampshire

“I think the good General would be proud of how hard we fought today. It is a good day for school choice in NH. SB 193 passed committee.” ~Victoria Wojdylak Sullivan “ESAs, or any school choice program, aren’t going to ‘make education...
Heard in New Hampshire

Heard in New Hampshire

Black Mountain in Benton, NH, by Mary Sorens “Just enjoying a beautiful 70 degree fall day, hanging out on my deck!” ~Tiffany Hale “Four days from forest to table. Harvested my first black bear with crossbow last Friday. Nourishing the family in the...
Temp Jobs as a Path to Long-Term Employment

Temp Jobs as a Path to Long-Term Employment

Q. We are excited to move to New Hampshire as soon as possible, but job searching long distance is so hard. Do you think finding temporary employment might be an option? A. A short-term/contract position could be a really good way to generate the income you need to...