The most gratifying part of being a black libertarian in New Hampshire is the warm welcome and smiles we get regularly. Liberty and freedom was something that I was looking for and came across the Free State Project.
My family thought I lost my mind when I told them we were thinking about moving to the whitest state in the world. I wanted to feel and see what freedom could look like in my lifetime. Despite what most people think, being black here in New Hampshire has been rewarding.
Warm hearts, funny remarks
In addition to their warm hearts, the locals here in Berlin have made many funny remarks that still give me a good laugh every time. I’ve been here almost five years, and it never gets old.
- If someone cuts you off on the road, you automatically blame a driver from Massachusetts. I’m sorry, guys, this is what I have observed but I’m from Texas and we’re barely driving the speed limit either.
- The Old Man on the Mountain has fallen off and if you do not feel sympathy for it, then you don’t have a heart! It was like watching Bambi’s mother get shot all over again. Be ready when they mention it and put on a sad face while nodding as they explain their feelings. Make sure you read about it’s history so you are aware of the pain they felt when the nose fell off.
- Nobody else can do maple syrup better than New Hampshire! If it’s not New Hampshire maple syrup, then it’s just sugar water.
I’ve only listed three things, but I have so much more that I have learned, and have yet to learn. Leaving a familiar place to an unknown territory was a bit scary. Knowing that the state is predominantly white made our decision more questionable. The fact that a new family was waiting for us to arrive made the move worth it. I’ve never met any of the Free-Staters prior so it was a heartwarming experience to see the volunteers waiting on our arrival to help us unload. It was dedication I couldn’t get from most blood relatives, so my hat goes off to the team responsible for orchestrating this.
What is it like being a black libertarian in New Hampshire?
Being a black libertarian in New Hampshire with a family of six is not impossible. I was taught that black people didn’t hike, ski, or eat at random white people’s houses. We changed the narrative of that stereotype. We have come to love hiking and skiing while meeting new people all the time. Breaking the norm is how we have truly adapted. The opportunities that we could not get in the “dirty South” are a distant memory because the opportunity for growth is endless here!
Community envelopment is key, as well as connecting to people that have a common interest. In the small town where we live, entrepreneurship is the way to go. There are so many work from home jobs available now, and it’s easy to start a new journey towards financial freedom.
I will list a few more resources that helped us with community involvement and homeschooling needs so feel free to look around and ask tons of questions!
- Bardo Farm is one of the first homeschooled groups that we joined. Family owned and operated, which we love! If your kids love learning about farm life and sustainable living, Bardo Farm is the best at teaching and answering all questions.
- I’m going to be honest, there are not a lot of black kids within New Hampshire homeschooling groups. If you are looking for a more diverse atmosphere for your kids to stay connected with people who look like them, then I would suggest you join a group that they can connect with. With that said, we found that this group fit our needs perfectly.
- As a family, heritage is important, especially in teaching our kids where they come from. I couldn’t wait to introduce my girls to the African American Culture Center. If homeschooling or not, this was the best field trip we have ever been to.
This is just a start and I will post more resources. Connection and community is where you start. Everything else will fall in place.
Welcome to New Hampshire! I enjoyed your story.
Thanks for sharing your story! It’s always refreshing to find families pursuing freedom!
Welcome Mz. Lane and family! Good to see you joining together with people of like mind in pursuit of “Liberty in our Lifetime”. Liberty is for everyone.