Last month, I had the privilege of taking the State of the Free State (originally delivered at Liberty Forum) on tour to six regional meetups in New Hampshire. I was inspired by the turn out (between 15-50 Free Staters at each meetup), and appreciated the questions, suggestions, and even criticisms brought up. Where else can you find liberty lovers, in person, making #LibertyInOurLifetime a reality?
TL:DR State of the Free State
1. Keep New Hampshire Free
Get our local liberty lovers activated after the long New England winter and revitalize our communities!
2. Increase Transparency and Accountability
The executive needs to respond to participants faster, and be available to answer questions
3. National Outreach
The FSP is revamping an ambassador program, sending reps to the top ten meetups around the country, and will have speakers at Libertopia, Startup Societies Summit, the LNC Convention, and FreedomFest.
These communities are only one way that Free Staters choose to associate. We also find connection on issues, ways to do activism, sports, leisure, you name it. That’s why we have over 200 FaceBook groups, over 550 meetups each year IN PERSON. What are you waiting for? Sign up today