Only in New HamphshireMark and Cyndi are excited to be new movers to New Hampshire. Mark is here already, and Cyndi plans to move at the end of the school year. They recently spoke with Britta Greene at NHPR about their journey with the Free State Project:

About four years ago, Cyndi Taylor-Hollandbeck was home at her place in Indiana, listening to the news and thinking, this just isn’t the way thing should be. “Our country wasn’t going in the right direction as far as I was concerned,” she said. “Our constitution was being usurped.”

This wasn’t a new feeling for her. She’d been frustrated for years, under both Democratic and Republican administrations. It was all the executive orders and new regulations, she said. She felt leaders were overreaching their powers.

So, she got on her computer, went on Google, and searched “free-est state.” She wanted to know where she could live and be the most free of government. And what popped up on her browser was the Free State Project website.

Listen to the story on NHPR.