Stark“I think the good General would be proud of how hard we fought today. It is a good day for school choice in NH. SB 193 passed committee.” ~Victoria Wojdylak Sullivan

“ESAs, or any school choice program, aren’t going to ‘make education cheap.’ What they can do is allow families to spend more money on alternative learning methods. The additional money will be targeted to individual children, by parents, to let them find their own paths. This already happens in the existing New Hampshire town-tuition program. Croydon students that were failing in public school were allowed to try a Montessori school (which, as most private schools do, charged less than the public school), and they thrived. ESAs will bring many more choices to thousands of other New Hampshire children.” ~Bill Walker

“Today I’m grateful for the support networks that have formed thanks to the FSP. Did two move-ins today. Neither took longer than 20 minutes, and both had attendees that didn’t know the movers but wanted to be there to welcome them. The FSP community has been, with no close competition, the most welcoming community I’ve thrown my lot in with.” ~Finley Collins

“TURKEYS ARE SOLD OUT! Thank you so much for your orders. I guess we should raise more next year. We are extremely THANKFUL for all the great support from our community! We hope you all can gobble up the holidays together.” ~Emily Smith, Bardo Farm

“Our son turned a month old (!) on Saturday and now that life has settled down to a dull roar, there are a LOT of local friends we want to thank again for their practical support. Thanks to everyone who has so thoughtfully provided a meal to us — you helped make our day-to-day lives easier and filled with more snuggles and other bonding time instead of cooking. We appreciate your generosity & kindness. We are SO grateful for our wonderful community of friends who have our backs. Cheers to all of you!” ~Kyle and Laura Bennett

(Photo by Victoria Wojdylak Sullivan)